Uyemura: Anti-Tarnish for Silver Components

Uyemura has taken silver protection to the next level, with an inorganic anti-tarnish that withstands high heat and high voltages without compromise of contact resistance, resistivity, or solderability.

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Silver parts, particularly automotive electronic components, are protected from tarnishing or discoloration by a thin, transparent layer. Topseal 693 is proven on connectors used in charging systems, large buses, and similar applications.

It is a high speed process that can be applied using rack or barrel systems. Topseal 693 doesn’t require electrolytic enhancement. Topseal 693 is an aqueous product that is free of environmentally harmful components, including CFCs, CHCs, HCs and chromium. It is thiol-free, non-foaming and exceptionally stable. 

Also from Uyemura: Sealing 691 and 692, which provide long-term protection for gold, silver, copper and tin. Sealing 691/692 permanently preserve metal brightness on jewelry, handles, rivets and decorative components, and seal thin gold’s inherent porosity. By penetrating the grain structure, Sealing 691 and 692 prevent oxidation of the underlying nickel or copper, so when gold is applied, parts become highly corrosion resistant. Often, a deposit a few nanometers thick is specified; where desirable, applying current allows the building of a layer many molecules thick. 

The 691/692 organic molecule has a unique affinity for electrodeposition – and unrivaled process flexibility. Sealing 691 preserves metal’s lubricity and leaves technical characteristics unaffected, so it has substantial advantages for electronic applications such as plug connectors. It’s compatible with rack, barrel and reel-to-reel equipment. 691 also reduces friction coefficient, making it suitable for sliding and plug-in contacts.

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