man looking at plating tank

20 Questions: Wally LaBurn, Alpha Metal Finishing

Wally LaBurn is a Chemical and Environmental Specialist at Alpha Metal Finishing in Dexter, Michigan.

He spent almost two decades as a teacher before retiring, but wanted to continue working. He found that position at Alpha, where he maintains the chemistry baths and oversees environmental tasks at the anodizing company.

Wally LaburnWally LaburnHow did you get your start in the finishing and coating industry?

I retired from teaching for 20+ years in the state of Michigan but was still interested in working in an industrial chemistry environment. So, I applied with Alpha Metal for an aluminum finishing job in a chemical environment.

What does your job entail?

Our company has fewer than 20 employees, so we all work together on varied tasks to complete work and provide great customer service. My main tasks are the chemistry of the tanks in the morning (as pH/Temp./Tank Concentration), hazardous waste processing, and environmental tasks; troubleshooting tank issues and problems; ordering chemical supplies and tank changes; and racking aluminum parts for processing.

Can you walk us through a typical day for you?

I arrive early to start up plant machinery and processes. I adjust tank bath pH/Temperature/Concentrations; collect and analyze daily tank test chemistries; treat and process hazwaste as needed; apply tank changes and replenish as needed; and rack job parts for customers until the end of the shift.

What do you like best about working in the finishing and coating industry?

The daily challenge and change of work situations for tasks, as well as working with a committed team to provide all our services for parts quality for customers.

What preconceived notions about the finishing and coating industry have changed since you started working in it?

The effect of how all the metal finishing processes on aluminum and its alloys are done in an industry that focuses on a single aspect in manufacturing. 

Can you describe a project you have been involved in that made you most proud?

Our combined team’s continued improvement of equipment and plant processing to update production/process/quality systems/shipping, and receiving impresses most of the customers we encounter.

Why would you recommend a career in the finishing and coating industry to a friend?

There are small shops and plants (such as ours) still operating with a 48+ year history that commands quality finishing and fast service to meet the challenges of our customers. Ours is still all by hand, and we stay in business with satisfied customers, quality processing, and a pure team concept without the AI-generated, robotic run controls. 

What is the toughest part of your job?

We try to do everything we do in a day of business hours and then some. We all work so hard together to get the completed orders out the door and back to the customer.

How do you describe what you do at your job to family and friends, and what is its importance?

I describe the aspects of metal finishing in a small manufacturing plant that chemically treats and anodizes aluminum metal. I use keychain carabiners as a finished product.

A look inside Wally LaBurn's "Office."A look inside Wally LaBurn's "Office."Are you involved in any industry associations or trade groups?

None to date. I prefer to read, observe, and learn from what other companies are doing and stay in contact with vendors when we encounter problems we need help solving.

What was the first job you had in your career?

After 14 years of military service in four branches and college, I worked as a chemist in the lab of a certification business, testing drinking water samples for standards.

What type of college, school, or training have you had?

Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Teaching Biology/Chemistry from Eastern Michigan University. Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from Wayne State University.

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

I started this job at Alpha Metal after retiring from teaching public school science after 20+ years. I work in this industry for interest and enjoyment, not longevity.

What was your most humorous day/event in the finishing and coating industry?

We have many. Most likely, they are the monthly breakfasts, birthday/achievement recognition lunches, and holiday dinners.

What was your favorite subject in high school or college?

Biology and chemical sciences. This is what shaped my interest in teaching in public schools and my interest in continuing to work in science in an industry.

What motivates you to work hard at your job?

We all depend on each other as a team in this small metal plant. They depend on me as a chemist to keep the process line going and in specification, and I depend on them for quality report issues on parts finishing in a job, as well as help in racking and setting up product.

Tell us about your outside hobbies and interests:

I like to bike locally, weather permitting, and hike or walk daily. In season, I enjoy working on DIY repair projects in the home and yard.

What three things do you think of the most each workday?

First, open the plant and get the process lined up and running. Second, collect samples and test tank bath specs. Third, get into production and work on racking projects for processing.

Who has been the biggest mentor in your career?

For this current job, each of our team members has a special skill or talent that I can learn from to get the job done. 

What is your favorite book?

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.