parts being cleaned

Solvent Cleaning Webinar to Reduce Costs, Improve Sustainability

A webinar on May 23 will look at solvent cleaning to reduce costs and improve sustainability.

“A Path Forward for Solvent Cleaning” will be presented by the Product Quality Cleaning Workshops run by Darren Williams, leader of the Cleaning Research Group·at Sam Houston State University, and Barbara and Ed Kanegsberg, independent consultants in critical cleaning. Michael Onken, Market Development Manager at SAFECHEM, will also speak on the webinar.

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Cost savings and sustainability? Solvent cleaning in an airless degreaser could be your answer.

Due to the growing regulatory pressure on traditional solvents, many manufacturers are converting to aqueous cleaning because of its presumably “greener” profile than solvents. But is water-based cleaning truly more sustainable? 

Every cleaning method has its own environmental impact, just manifesting in different ways. Importantly, the technology and processes within which a cleaning medium is deployed are just as crucial.

There are solvent alternatives – in particular modified alcohols – whereby their usage in airless degreasers sets the benchmark for safety and sustainability. The machine’s built-in distillation unit for recovering used solvents, coupled with chemical maintenance measures, can significantly reduce solvent consumption and waste compared to previous solvent machines, thereby lowering overall cleaning costs. There is also no additional energy requirement for drying metal parts or water consumption.

In this webinar, you’ll learn why solvent cleaning in an airless degreaser can be an excellent alternative to water-based cleaning and how it can help you:

  • Achieve consistent and reliable cleaning results.
  • Cut costs and increase operational efficiency.
  • Raise sustainability performance and worker safety standards.


Michael OnkenMichael OnkenMichael Onken: Market Development Manager at SAFECHEM; degrees in both chemistry and business who advises companies on the use of modified alcohols to optimize the parts cleaning process and ensure worker and environmental protection meet regulatory requirements 

Barbara and Ed Kanegsberg: independent Consultants in Critical Cleaning·BFK Solutions; “The Cleaning Lady & the Rocket Scientist” are consultants in critical cleaning and authors and editors of the two-volume CRC Handbook for Critical Cleaning. They are Co-chairs of the Product Quality Cleaning Workshops

Darren Williams: leader of the Cleaning Research Group·at SHSU and Professor of Physical Chemistry at Sam Houston State University. Also Co-chair of the Product Quality Cleaning Workshops, where they perform cleaning trials and formulate cleaning chemistries