The Electrocoat Association is hosting a free webinar for members on cure ovens on Nov. 10, host by Tom Neeley from George Koch Sons.

Finishers choose electrocoating to provide their products with a durable, lasting coating. After applying the coating, a bake oven crosslinks and cures the paint film, making it hard and durable. This presentation will foster an exchange of knowledge to help the novice learn the basics of electrocoating cure ovens, allowing them to be an informed participant in the e-coat process.

Ecoat NeeleyNeeley is a licensed Professional Engineer who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology and a Master’s in Industrial Management. Having worked for George Koch Sons, LLC in the finishing industry for the last thirty-three years, Tom has designed systems, managed projects, and developed finishing equipment for a broad range of industries. His work spans from theoretical to hands on troubleshooting and analysis. A builder at heart, he enjoys seeing a system design come to life for a manufacturer.

Living in the small town of Newburgh, Indiana on the Ohio River, Tom has been a long time Scout and 4H leader. When not spending time with his wife and two daughters, he canoes, kayaks, and spends a lot of time not shooting ducks. 

Non-members must pay a $40 fee for the webinar.

Click here to register for the webinar.