It was four years ago that this all began—right in the middle of the pandemic—when we all looked at each other and asked, "Why not?"
The first issue of materialized in August 2020, and I had no idea where this venture would lead.
It now seems to have taken me to my happiest place, where I can talk to and write about all the great people in the finishing and coating industry and tell their stories to my peers.
While we celebrated our fourth anniversary in August, this is not my first rodeo. I started covering the industry in 2010 and, at that time, had no idea where this was headed. I had no clue what electroplating, anodizing, liquid and powder coating, PVD, or any other coating process was all about. I came from a writing career in daily newspapers, covering zoning meetings, city councils, sports, and sometimes music. But covering the intricacies of finishing and coating processes was harder than anything else I had done.
And yet something remarkable happened those 14 years ago: the people in the industry helped me learn what it took to apply these processes, what genuine quality was all about, and how important the finishing and coating industry is to the North American manufacturing sector.
When I left my first gig writing about this industry, I was convinced I would never again step foot in a job shop, watch a powder coating conveyor line, or watch someone titrate a bath again.
Was I ever wrong? While many people I had gotten to know over the previous 10 years wrote and told me how much they missed me—and yes, there were a few, if I may say so myself—the real story is that I missed this industry more than I ever thought I would.
I missed it because of the people: the women and men who work the tank side, making sure the parts are run correctly, dealing with nagging customers, and working to understand the latest rules and regulations that seem to threaten the industry more every year.
I missed sitting in their simple offices and talking about one of the most important aspects of the manufacturing process. I also missed walking the shop floor and meeting people who have worked in the industry for 20, 30, or even 40 years; those are the real stars in the industry, and I wish I knew only 10% of what these people knew about their craft.
When I started in the fall of 2020, I made a simple pledge: give these industry folks only the most important information they need: no fluff, no dribble, nothing that would waste their time. I have worked every day since to try to live up to that pledge because I know how important their time is, and need to be well-spent by articles that weren't insightful or important again.
I recall a finisher sending me a note after the first issue when I asked, "What do you think?" The answer was brief and to the point: "Looks good, but can you do this every day, week, and month?"
It was a great point and something I always think about: delivering quality every day, every week, and every month. Just like the women and men I write about.