stripping wheel tires

Benco’s B17e Eco-Strip is an Eco-Friendly Stripper

Benco’s B17e Eco-Strip is an eco-friendly stripper that will ease your concerns about using acid-based strippers around employees.

B17e Eco-Strip is a water rinsable, non-methylene chloride chemical stripper for removing most coatings on all metals. It quickly removes epoxies, polyurethanes, polyester coatings, electrocoat coatings, and non-catalyzed paints and coatings from vehicle wheels, frames, brakes, and parts prior to powder coating or painting.

The product is available in 275-gallon totes and 55-gallon drums, and most finishes completely dissolve in 30 to 90 minutes. It must be heated to 190°-200° for optimum stripping.

Benco says the stripper has a long life and can clean up to four times more items than other available non-MCL strippers. No testing; simply siphon, skim to remove debris, and replenish to top off. The low odor makes B17e Eco-Strip perfect for larger powder coat operations.

“To use the word amazing is not an exaggeration,” says Jorge Vasquez, Wheel Doctor of Miami, Inc. “B17e Eco-Strip cut our strip times in half, cut our cost in half, and more than doubled the volume of wheels we strip. Lifespan is astounding. We have used the same chemical for 6 months. Chemical loss is negligible as finishes dissolve into fine sludge. Wheels come out clean with minimal water rinse needed.”

“Stripping wheels is the ugly part of powder coating,” says Warren Ellis, Wellis Wheels, Inc. “Phil came to our shop and spent time listening to our issues. He came prepared to offer more than one chemical to meet our needs. We had a heated tank, and Eco -Strip was worth the risk to switch based on price alone. I’m now signed on to be a spokesperson and product advocate because it works so well.”

Visit, or contact Benco Sales at 931-484-9578 or Phil Strieter, Sales Manager, at 931-787-4767 for a personal appointment.