What we are working on for 2023:
Steve EdrisWe’ll continue introducing our new line of superoxalloy abrasive blasting media. Users tell us they have been able to reduce abrasive consumption, reduce dust, and speed job completion time by switching to EpiX superoxalloy abrasives from older media such as slags, garnet, and aluminum oxide. In 2023, we’ll expand our market reach and our work with key distributors such as PPG, SufacePrep, and Allredi. In 2023 we’ll launch a Superoxalloy Abrasive Education Kit to help potential users learn about the technical features of our products and applications where they fit.
Our top new products/services for 2022 were:
Last year saw increased usage across all product lines. In particular, the U.S. Navy is rapidly increasing its use of 10X superoxalloy abrasives in its shipyard surface preparation and repainting operations. Navy data have shown dust reductions of up to 80%, increases in speeds of 40%-73%, and a 79% reduction in abrasive consumption. This all added up to a more efficient, cleaner, higher visibility working environment, improved throughput, and greater usage. Our most recent contract award from the U.S. Navy pushed their commitment for 10X abrasives to in excess of 1.5 million pounds.
What our customers are telling us about 2023:
Inflation is on their minds. Customers talk about getting more out of existing resources – doing things faster and more efficiently. Concerns around air and water quality and safety are also more front and center. And reducing dust in blasting operations continues to be a focus area for many of our users. Fortunately, our products can help users accomplish many of these goals with a simple switch of blasting media – with no additional labor or capital cost.
Visit www.10Xem.com