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Hardide Coatings Launches First Product in New Ready-Coated Component Range

Hardide Coatings launched the first in a new range of ready-coated and enhanced components with a JP-5000 4-inch copper nozzle used in high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal spray coating.

Hardide Ready-Coated JP-5000 4-inch Copper Nozzle for HVOF Spray Gun.Hardide Ready-Coated JP-5000 4-inch Copper Nozzle for HVOF Spray Gun.The tungsten/tungsten carbide-based Hardide chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coating is proven to extend the operational life of HVOF thermal spray copper nozzles by 5 to 40 times when spraying carbide or metallic-based powders. The ready-coated nozzles include O-rings suitable for withstanding the higher temperatures generated in longer periods of service.

“This is an extremely exciting new product development that offers significant performance, cost, and environmental advantages to users of HVOF equipment,” says Steve Paul, Interim CEO of Hardide Coatings. “By Hardide coating the internal diameter of copper nozzles used in thermal spraying, our enhanced component offers superior wear resistance and reduced pickup.”

Paul says this significantly extends the working life of the part thus improving productivity and reducing the spraying cost.

Hardide ID coating with high surface finish.Hardide ID coating with high surface finish.“We have had a lot of interest from OEMs and thermal spray companies in transforming the performance and durability of their HVOF spray equipment, and we were pleased to ship our first production orders this week,” he says. “The coated JP-5000 4-inch nozzle is the first in a range of Hardide ready coated copper nozzles of varying sizes and other OEM equipment which we intend to launch on an ongoing basis.”

Paul says the extremely hard and homogeneous properties of the Hardide coating minimize pickup inside the nozzle when spraying metallic materials. This prevents material dislodging and forming a defect in the HVOF coating, he says, therefore improving coating quality, reducing downtime and the cost of spraying.

The life of ready-coated nozzles spraying metallic materials is extended up to 40 times compared to uncoated nozzles. When spraying carbide powders, the Hardide coating extends the life of the nozzles by five times.

Moreover, Paul says the nozzle has to be exchanged less often, which decreases the risk of breaking the water circuit, while lack of nozzle clogging reduces the likelihood of spits or unmelted agglomerations of powder becoming embedded in the spray coating, thereby eliminating the need for rework.

Cross section of a Hardide coated copper nozzle after 22hrs+ service with Stellite 6 Powder showing no pickup present.Cross section of a Hardide coated copper nozzle after 22hrs+ service with Stellite 6 Powder showing no pickup present.Paul says the Hardide coating is compatible with various coating materials used in HVOF processes, allowing for seamless integration with existing coating systems.

The company has been trialing the product with a global OEM in the U.S. and coating services companies in Germany and Italy. The copper nozzles will be manufactured in Germany and coated at Hardide Coatings’ UK manufacturing facility for shipping globally.

The Hardide coated JP-5000 4-inch copper nozzles are sold in fully recyclable packaging.

Hardide Coatings has manufacturing facilities in the UK and U.S. Visit www.hardide.com