man testing parts

Kubera Group Chooses X-MET8000 for Quality, Reliability

Kubera Group trade and export precious metals including gold, silver and platinum and is known for its rigorous monitoring and control mechanisms, and compliance with national and international standards.

Kubera must analyze metal composition throughout the process, from purchasing to smelting and processing into ingots.

Before acquiring a portable analyzer of their own, Kubera Group couldn’t accurately determine the precious metal composition prior to purchase, leading to a certain amount of uncertainty when trading. Once the material had been purchased, they had to rely on third-party testing, which was costly and involved transporting the precious metals, which was risky given its value.

Reliable and accurate in-situ analyzer

A handheld analyzer that could be easily taken to a site and quickly verify the material in-situ was essential. Kubera chose the X-MET8000 Expert from Hitachi High-Tech for two reasons. Firstly, it was important they use a quality instrument from a globally recognized brand and secondly, they needed reliable and accurate results. With the inherent value of the metals down to the precise composition and grade, Kubera needed an analyzer they – and their customers – could rely on.

Agudelo, CEO of Kubera Group, said, “It’s made our processes faster and more effective, and improved security as we don’t have to travel with the material to third-party testing sites anymore.”

It’s also given the company greater certainty of the value of the material prior to purchasing as now they simply take the X-MET8000 with them to the purchasing site and run a fast analysis that gives the exact composition – and therefore value – of the precious metals items for sale. As there’s no external testing, the whole process is much faster and more efficient.

Read more about how the X-MET8000 has helped Kubera Group save money.