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ELsyca’s PlatingManager Plating Performance Assessment

Elsyca PlatingManager simulates the electroplating process and provides detailed information on the layer thickness distribution over the various parts on the rack while highlighting potential problem zones.

Alternative part orientations and/or rack configurations can now be calculated in only few mouse clicks. Moreover, additional tooling can be designed and its effect quickly verified. Once the quality is optimized the rack and part lay-out is available as CAD based data to start the construction of the fit-for-purpose racks, more efficient.

Key Benefits

  • Quality: Potential production issues are highlighted for the various plating steps. The engineer can now adjust the rack load and design active or passive tooling to avoid any shop floor surprises. The quality manager also knows exactly which critical parts to test and where.
  • Time-to-market: You can simulate the plating process even before the first physical part enters the building. The analysis can start as soon as the part’s CAD data is available providing ample time to design the optimum rack lay-out and have them ready by the time production needs to kicks off.
  • Profit margins: The simulation analysis allows you to defend production choices and hence pricing. Higher plating quality may require more advanced tooling which comes at a cost – and you have now the simulation report to prove it.
  • Knowledge: PlatingManager is an investment in knowledge as it helps to build and retain critical company know-how.
  • Customer satisfaction: Reduced time-to-market, increased capacity, less scrap, improved quality; it strengthens your company image and helps building excellent customer relations.

Elsyca PlatingManager Key Features

  • Your real-life plating line is pre- configured by Elsyca
  • No more CAD repair or need for a CAD system on your computer: ask your colleagues from the CAD department to export the CAD data of your parts into STL format (available in every CAD package) and use it for simulations in Elsyca PlatingManager.
  • User-friendly positioning and automated patterning of parts on the rack; the consistency of the plating package is verified upfront.
  • Subsequent plating steps (e.g. Cu strike, acid Cu, semi-bright Ni, bright Ni, micro-porous Ni, hex Cr) can be modeled, both individual and cumulative results are available.
  • Robust and fast simulation of current density and layer thickness distribution, all potential quality problems are indicated, 2-D charts and 3-D color plots available.
  • Easy what-if simulation to verify the impact of tooling (shielding, aux anodes, current robbers), different part load (and thus production capacity) and change of production settings.
  • Resulting rack/part lay-out is available in STL format for detailed construction of fit-for-purpose racks. Production can now start as soon as physical parts arrive! No need for expensive trial testing and tuning of rack design.
  • Library of electrolyte data is included.
  • Science-based! The technology uses FEA (finite element analysis) to solve the distribution of the current density, and calculates layer thickness values from Faraday’s law.
  • Automated yet customizable reporting in support of ISO quality processes
  • Supports Elsyca XPlorer, the visualization and postprocessing environment that allows sharing 3D simulation results with other stakeholders
