alarm system

Goad introduces its TANKeye PLUS leak detection alarm system.

Goad introduces its TANKeye® PLUS leak detection alarm system.

The TANKeye®PLUS system provides continuous pre-leak detection, alerting operators (visual and audible alarm) if a pre-leak occurs. 

The company says attain 100% assurance of your tank's integrity without the need for periodic maintenance checks. If a pre-leak is detected, the alert allows for the non-emergency scheduling of repair since the detection occurs before there is an active leak to the tank exterior.

In addition, Goad has produced an information video on secondary containment. 

Secondary containment is a critical component of wet process systems. Containment failure can lead to environmental or worker safety concerns, loss of production, material and expensive repairs. An improper specification or application could create your greatest liability. 

Goad says there’s only one opportunity to obtain permanent secondary containment and it’s before installation of tanks and equipment. Once in place, repair or replacement becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Liquid or spray applied coatings are prevalent and commonly used, but should they be specified for critical secondary containment? Goad says no, that these coating systems fail eventually and most prematurely. 

Concrete settles and cracks and so will the coating, breaching containment. Would rigid plastic sheets work? Again, Goad says no; plastic sheets are welded together on the surface and these welds fail due to expansion and contraction caused by changes in ambient temperature. 

Instead, Goad says the permanent, trouble-free and affordable solution is Goad’s N-FUZE® Linings, a solution that is decades proven for immersion containment. The company says only Goad installs large, pre-fabricated panels that are bonded to the concrete substrate and joined with patented N-FUZE® Welding. GOAD guarantees no weld failures, providing secondary containment for life of facility. 
