parts being dipped into a jar

Vantage BIOACT™ 280 Wax Remover is a Bio-based Cleaner

Vantage Specialty Chemicals’ BIOACT™ 280 Wax Remover is a bio-based cleaner formulated to remove masking waxes that are common in selective plating operations in industrial and aerospace applications.

These waxes can include both microcrystalline and paraffinic waxes, including Vantage's AeroWax Wax Masking series. 

Vantage BIOACT™ 280 is used in immersion tanks at full concentration. For effective removal, heat the BIOACT™ 280 bath to a temperature of 180°F to 200°F or a temperature above the melting point of the masking wax. The wax will dissolve from the plated part; after wax removal is completed, components are rinsed in successive heated rinse steps.

BIOACT™ 280 is a safer alternative to removing wax without using hazardous solvents. This bio-based product also exhibits very low odor, does not contain hazardous air pollutants, helps reduce VOC emissions, and has a bath life that averages 18 to 24 months.

BIOACT™ 280 has been tested and approved by leading aerospace manufacturers, and is available in a range of packaging options, including pails and drums.

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