man working in a business

Do I Need a Job Coach?

I’m biased. As a business coach I truly believe everyone, and I mean everyone, can benefit enormously from having a great coach and advisor.

Jim CastigliaJim CastigliaWhy? We all need someone objective to “check our swing.” This is why all world-class athletes have multiple coaches. We can’t see our swing. 

When I studied karate, the training hall had mirrors so you could see your technique. This was valuable feedback but lacked the sensei's (teacher's input. Using the mirrors AND getting input enhanced performance dramatically.

This month’s article can help determine if hiring a coach can help you. 

But first, here’s what a successful CEO client told me about his coaching experience of four years. He took sales from $4 million to over $50 million and shepherded the organization to a $800 million sale, a multiple of 16 times sales. (software industry) He said:

  • You gave me the confidence to lead
  • You turned frustration into focus
  • You gave me the confidence to relax
  • You made me unconsciously competent (through drill, repetition, and pop quizzes)
  • You were a partner and mentor; you eliminated the feeling of being “alone at the top.”
  • You taught me world-class tools and best practices
  • You had my back and provided accountability
  • You had no hidden agendas; I could trust you, and you were reliable
  • You served me no matter what, no matter how tough
  • You never gave up; you always found a way forward.

Could you and your organization benefit from one or more of these results?

Creatures of Habit

We are creatures of habit. We’re lured by what’s familiar and comfortable. We don’t face reality very well. This is human nature. 

It takes courage to (Cunningham):

  • Say what needs to be said
  • Ask for advice
  • Admit mistakes and errors in judgment
  • Make difficult decisions and have hard conversations 
  • Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to justify or reply
  • Initiate change, and 
  • Confront reality.

So here are some questions that may clarify whether YOU should hire a great coach:

  • Do you know your strengths and weaknesses and their upside and downside?
  • Can you be flexible and meet the demands of your performance environment?
  • Could you gain more control over your reactions?
  • Can you improve rapport with people different from you?
  • Do you sometimes beat yourself or beat yourself up?
  • Do you make distraction mistakes, chase after “shiny pennies?”
  • Do you make overload mistakes or take on too much?
  • Do you overload the people around you?
  • Do you fully understand individual differences regarding concentration, ability to handle a busy world, rules, risks, control, competition, speed of decision-making, extroversion, introversion, ability to set boundaries, expression of support, focus over time, and performance under pressure?
  • Do crises bring out your best or your worst?
  • Do you need a better way to approach business challenges?
  • Do you ever feel you lack time for proper business analysis?
  • Does your emotional excitement ever block cool thinking
  • Do you understand that as a business evolves, it sets up the next upheaval?
  • Could you enhance your communication skills?
  • Do your teams operate at a high level of trust, coordination, and collaboration?
  • Do you ever think, “That was dumb?”
  • Can you admit what you don’t know?
  • Are your “quick fixes” working?
  • Do you need a serious diagnosis of your unique challenges?
  • Do you need a fresh perspective? 
  • Do you need accountability?
  • Do you finally want to get on the path of mastery and need a master instructor?

These powerful questions can help you determine whether you’re ready for a coach and a coaching relationship.

Be wary of coaches who have stock answers or formulas. Great coaches ask many questions to fully understand your unique situation.

If you have any questions or if I can help you in any way, please contact me at my personal email,, or by text/phone at 949-338-7141.

Jim Castiglia is the founder of Business Street Fighter Consulting and supports entrepreneurial business owners in their desire to grow and maximize the value of their business. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 949-338-7141. Visit