For this 20 Questions segment, we went a little different and invited the owners of Bales Metal Surface Solutions — Sara and Stacey — to take part in this Q&A without seeing each other’s answers until they appear here.

Sara Bales and Stacey Bales are owners of Bales Metal Surface Solutions in Downers Grove, IL.Sara Bales and Stacey Bales are owners of Bales Metal Surface Solutions in Downers Grove, IL.Stacey Bales became president of the Downers Grove, Illinois, company in 2010 when their father, Steve, passed away suddenly. She drives the company’s long-term strategic vision and is responsible for financial management and legal matters, including patents and trademarks.

Sara Bales is vice president, where she works on sales while also leading the company’s marketing vision — and enjoys flexing some creative muscle there, whether taking photographs or writing for some of the company’s communications.

Both are active in the surface finishing industry and have built a strong team at Bales Metal Surface Solutions that deliver quality and ardently stand behind their work.

How did you get your start in the finishing industry?

two girls with their dadStacey: I was born into it. When I was in grade school, I spent a lot of summer days at Bales, as it was only a short bike ride from our house. My dad would give my sister and me small projects to do and show us all the different customer parts. When he got tired of shelling out money for me to go to the movies, he gave me a job at the age of 12 cleaning the offices on the weekends. I have worked here since.

Sara: I started at Bales through my dad, Steve, who started Bales with his brother Mike. 


What do you enjoy best about the industry?

Sara: Learning new things and getting a peek behind the curtain. Working with so many plastic injection molders, sometimes you get a glimpse of something you eventually see on a store shelf; that’s always neat.

Stacey: The people. From employees to competitors, there is so much to be learned and so many willing to share in our industry. In Chicago, we have a pretty tight-knit group, and we all lean on each other. It’s great to know you have others you can depend on if you are in need of backup production support or just advice.


two girls on a marble tigerIs your glass half-full or half-empty?

Stacey: Half full, always. Every day brings new challenges, but that’s what makes life interesting.

Sara: Half full; I like to focus on potential.


What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Sara: A very long book, a supply of chocolate chip cookies, and a hammock.

Stacey: My dog, a fishing pole, and sunscreen.


What was your favorite subject in school?

Stacey: Math has always been my favorite subject. If you catch me staring at my phone, I am most likely playing some type of numbers puzzle.

Sara: Photography; I was also the photographer for the school paper, so I got to be a part of many events.


two girls sitting near a beachWhat’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?

Sara: Full-size octopus tentacles in Puerto Rico. Octopus is not super unusual, but this was large and full of suckers the size of a quarter. 

Stacey: My dad was a hunter, and we were often told we were eating “chicken” pot pie, but it was never chicken. Now, I’ll eat anything: octopus, deer, rabbit, pheasant, alligator, snake. Not sure which of those is the most unusual.


Do you collect anything?

Stacey: I was a super nerd and collected stamps when I was a kid. Now I’ve upgraded to collecting cars. My favorites are my 2011 Ford Shelby SVT and my 1968 Mustang Coupe.

Sara: I have a decent number of plants at the moment; some are almost 10 years old, some are hand me downs, and some were gifts.


two women standingAre you an introvert or an extrovert?

Sara: Probably more introverted; I do not crave the spotlight.

Stacey: Both. I would never leave my house if I had the option. But as the nominated (thanks Sara!) “spokesperson” for Bales, I do enjoy attending industry events and meeting new people.


Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?

Stacey: My taste is the strongest of my senses because I am a hardcore foodie. 

Sara: Taste or smell probably; I do a lot of baking and cooking, so I can identify spices and ingredients pretty well.


two women standingAre you related or distantly related to anyone famous?

Sara: Not that I know of.

Stacey: According to all the spam emails I receive, I have a lot of deceased royalty in my blood! However, I have not been able to locate anyone famous in my research. 


What do you do to keep fit?

Sara: I have been doing tae kwon do for nine years and am a 3rd-degree black belt. I was getting into obstacle courses and 5K’s, too.

Stacey: I try to balance tacos with light exercise. It’s a daily struggle.


Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?

Stacey: “Ain’t nobody leavin’ until their heavin’!” My dad hosted a lot of family holidays and made sure nobody left hungry.

Sara: At holidays and parties, my dad used to say, “no one’s leavin till they’re heavin;” he liked to eat good food and make sure everyone was having a good time. 


people sitting at tablesWhat three things do you think of the most each day?

Stacey: What’s for dinner? Did I say hi to everyone at Bales today? Where did my pen just go?

Sara: What can I learn today? What can I bake today? I wonder what my dog is doing right now?


If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Sara: Look out when I’m hangry.

Stacey: May contain high levels of sarcasm.


What song would you say best sums you up?

Stacey: Fight Song by Rachel Platten.


two women standingWhat celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

Stacey: Bill Murray. I think I would leave with my sides hurting from laughing so much!


What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

Sara: Out of my kitchen window there are many birds and other wildlife, sometimes an opossum and the rare deer.

Stacey: At home, I love all the wildlife: deer, coyotes, birds. At work, the entertainment is watching large trucks trying to make a 90 degree turn into our neighbor’s loading dock.


On a scale of 1-10, how funny would you say you are?

Stacey: 10, of course.


two women standing near a manWhere do you see yourself in 10 years?

Stacey: In a perfect world, retired and on a lake.


What was your first job?

Stacey: Working at Bales.

Sara: At the coffee counter inside a bookstore. 


How many languages do you speak?

Sara: Just English; I’ve tried to learn languages a few times, and it’s very hard. I have complete respect for anyone who knows more than one.

Stacey: Two: English and sarcasm.


two women standingWho is the most intelligent person you know?

Stacey: My fiancé, Brandon. He is technically and mechanically minded and stays up-to-date on politics and world news. I’m generally wrong in our disagreements, but don’t tell him that.


If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?

Stacey: A dog. I eat everything, am loyal to a fault, and enjoy naps in the sun on a warm summer day. 


What is one thing you will never do again?

Sara: Never say never, but I would prefer not to move any time soon. 

Stacey: Ride a roller coaster. I’m not a fan of heights, and the best part of being an adult is that I don’t need to succumb to peer pressure.


Who knows you best?

Stacey: My sister Sara. Not only did we get to grow up together, but now I get to work with her every day at Bales. I am lucky to have someone who knows all my good, bad, and ugly. And even luckier that she doesn’t hold it all against me.

Sara: My husband and my sister know me the best; they definitely see me the most.