Velinda Colin is a lead masker at TWF Industries, a family-owned powder coating operation in Alexandria, Minnesota.

“I am one of the lucky ones that actually enjoy the work I do,” she says. “I enjoy working with my hands and seeing the finished product.”

How did you get your start in the finishing and coating industry?

I had just moved to Alexandria and had two choices for work. I decided to go with TWF Industries. I had never worked in a finishing company, but I liked it right away.

What does your job entail?

My job is to come up with the most efficient and fastest way to mask a part before paint or powder. I also have to teach my method to the new maskers and make sure the quality is good. I also translate when I am needed.

Can you walk us through a typical day for you?

My day starts at 6:00 a.m. by reviewing our schedule to see if there are any changes; I answer emails and plan my team’s next jobs. I also take time to organize the area, so it is more efficient for the day. My team starts at 6:30, and we have a short meeting to go through any issues we had, changes to the day if they need anything for the job they are doing, and/or any information that they need to know. My team gets right to work, and I get them everything that they need to continue. Once they finish, I teach them their next job. When they are all set for the day, I can start figuring out a new job or help with the ones we have planned. I attend a daily meeting with the other leads, and we go through what is expected or what we need to do for the following day.

What do you like best about working in the finishing and coating industry?

I like that we figure out the jobs together. We brainstorm to figure out the best way to do a job. We each play an important part in the process.

What have preconceived notions about the finishing and coating industry changed since you started working in it?

I thought working in a finishing company would be an all-male atmosphere. I’m glad that I can work where we have equal opportunities. Now we are 4 of 5 female leads. I am proud of all the hard work my fellow ladies accomplish every day.

Can you describe a particular project you have been involved in that made you most proud?

There are certain new advancements that TWF has invested in and has made our efficiencies faster. I am proud that I am a big part of working and bettering the work we do.

What is the toughest part of your job?

Staying focused on a task. I am on a constant move, whether it is translating for someone, teaching a new masker, making sure everyone has everything they need, organizing the area, or helping someone in another area. I sometimes forget where I am going or what I am going to do.

How do you describe what you do in your job to family and friends and the importance of it?

I keep it simple, really. I let them know that we are a powder and paint company, and we use tape and other materials to keep the paint off. We are unique because almost everything we do we do by hand; it is very meticulous work.

What is the most humorous day/event you have had in the finishing and coating industry?

There was the time a paint machine spilled liquid paint all over my coworker, Sheryl. She was trying to switch something on it. She was covered in paint, and it was the funniest thing to see her waddling out to go home and change.

What was your favorite subject in high school or college?

I enjoyed Spanish in high school but being bilingual, I just really liked my teacher Mrs. Panitzke. I also liked choir; I like to sing.

What motivates you to work hard at your job?

I am one of the lucky ones that actually enjoy the work I do. I enjoy working with my hands and seeing the finished product. I like that we are contributing to something that has a bigger purpose and that some of the things we work on can help others.

Tell us about your outside hobbies and interests

I am a mother of two boys, and my interests are keeping them busy so I don’t go insane. I also enjoy naps whenever I can get them, crafts, plants, decorating, shopping, reading, make-up, and exploring new things with my family and friends.

What three things do you think of the most each workday?

“What do you need?”, “how much time do I have before I have to teach the next job” and “did I forget something?”

Who has been the biggest mentor in your career?

My biggest mentor was Michelle. She taught me so much and had the patience for me. I learned so much from her. She was the kindest person and had really fast hands. She had a different way of thinking that challenged me. She taught me to use tools in an unorthodox way to improve a job or help to mask it.

What is your favorite book you have read?

There are so many, I would like to say Pride & Prejudice, but I love all the Harry Potter books! I am a kid at heart, and I like to get lost in a good book, whatever it may be.