Rodger Quesenberry is the Production Manager for the powder coating division at Microfinish in St. Louis, Missouri.

Established in 1959, Microfinish continues to grow through expansion and acquisition to meet the needs of its customers by specializing in metal finishing, powder coating, electrodeposition coating (e-coating), as well as zinc, nickel/chrome, and electroless nickel plating.

Rodger QuesenberryRodger QuesenberryHow did you get your start in the finishing and coating industry?

I started at a plant that built conveyor systems; they had an in-house powder coating division, and that is where I was placed and started spraying powder.

What does your job entail?

I make sure the line is running at a proper pace and that the line density is high; we are racking as many parts as possible and still want to achieve a high-quality finish. I also take care of the pretreatment process and order powder.

Can you walk us through a typical day for you?

I start by making sure all the equipment is on and up to temperature. I look at the production log for the day and bring parts to the line for racking. I usually titrate the wash system after that. Once the day gets going, I pretty much just go with the flow. I order any powders that need to be ordered and, at the end of the day, shut everything down and lock up.

What do you like best about working in the finishing and coating industry?

Seeing all the different parts come in. Very rarely do we paint the same parts two days in a row. I don’t like doing the same thing over and over, and here we are, always painting different parts and many different colors.

What preconceived notions about the finishing and coating industry have changed since you started working in it?

I am not sure about preconceived notions, but the changes in technology. The powders have come a long way, as well as the pretreatment technology. Also, changes are being made to try and help the environment.

Can you describe a particular project you have been involved in that made you most proud?

We take a lot of pride in all our work. I did enjoy seeing some of our work on the grounds of St. Louis Arch.

Why would you recommend to a friend a career in the finishing and coating industry?

I feel like it is a growing industry. The need for metal finishing will always be there. Many different opportunities and avenues you can go down.

What is the toughest part of your job?

Getting up in the morning! I do not mean that as I don’t like my job; I am just not a great morning person. I really enjoy my sleep. Once I get my shower, though, I am good to go. As far as the job itself, cleaning the wash system is tough. We only have to do it twice a year or so, but it’s not fun.

How do you describe what you do in your job to family and friends and the importance of it?

Many of them do not understand the powder coat process. They think it is just painting. I try to see things when we are out and about that I know powder coated, then explain the process and the benefits of powder coating.

What was the first job you had in your career?

My first job was at a golf course. In my first job in metal finishing, I hung parts and sprayed powder. 

What type of college, school, or training have you had?

All of my training in the finishing industry has been hands-on.

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

I would like to think still at Microfinish, still powder coating parts.

What is the most humorous day/event you have had in the finishing and coating industry?

The day we had powder coated some helicopter parts for a person, and he came to pick them up, he flew in on his helicopter. He landed just outside the shop, picked up his parts, and off he went.

What was your favorite subject in high school or college?


What motivates you to work hard at your job?

Having a good work ethic was given to me by my dad at a young age. I watched him work so hard; it drove me to do the same.

Tell us about your outside hobbies and interests:

Hunting and fishing; turkey in the spring and deer in the fall. I get to hunt and fish quite a bit with my two sons. I like all sports.

What three things do you think of the most each workday?

My family, my dogs, and the wash system are on.

Who has been the biggest mentor in your career?

I have two of them: my dad for teaching me how to work, and Bill Stock, the owner of Microfinish, for giving me this opportunity.

What is your favorite book you have read?

Call of the Wild by Jack London