20 Questions with Dr. Jude Mary Runge, Apple
Dr. Jude Mary Runge’s career as a metallurgical engineer and surface finishing expert spans almost 40 years in industrial, government, and academic, professional settings.
Dr. Jude Mary Runge’s career as a metallurgical engineer and surface finishing expert spans almost 40 years in industrial, government, and academic, professional settings.
There are several methods of achieving colors on anodized aluminum: Electrolytic coloring with metal salts, organic dyeing, electrolytic coloring with metal salts and organic dyeing (overdye) and interference coloring.
AOTCO Metal Finishing, has launched a new Type I Chromic Acid Anodizing service for its aerospace and other clients.
Janette Courtney is the Division Environmental, Health, and Safety Director of Bonnell Aluminum in Newnan, GA.
Janette Courtney from Bonnell Aluminum was elected Chairperson of the Aluminum Anodizers Council at its annual Board of Directors meeting during the Aluminum Summit in Nashville, TN.
Leupold & Stevens, Inc. has acquired Anodize Solutions, effective immediately.
George Koch Sons, a leader in the development of automated finishing systems, introduced KOCH, a corporate brand identity linking generations of experience in the anodizing, plating, and paint finishing industries.
Kevin Janis is the Business Development Manager at Reliant Aluminum Products.
When Dan Rose was looking for a new business opportunity in 1999 and asked one of his machine shop customers if he wanted to form a partnership to help grow the business, he didn’t get the response he was expecting.
Coloring aluminum by means of electrolytic 2-step has been widely practiced in North America since the late 1970s.
Thousands of aluminum anodizers dye their products. These companies range from Job shops with 45-gallon tanks to architectural plants with tanks holding 7,000 gallons.
When Jon Allen became General Manager of Luke Engineering and Manufacturing earlier this year, he and President Meghan Bates quickly decided on a change to the name of the company.
The primary use of a deox is to clean the residue (smut) off of an etched aluminum part. Etch smut is made up of the chemical compounds that are found in different aluminum alloys.
The Aluminum Summit on Sept. 14-16 in Nashville is the collocated event of the Aluminum Anodizers Council’s (AAC) Annual Anodizing Conference and the Aluminum Extruders Council’s (AEC) Management Conference.
Douglas Greene often gets the same response from first-time visitors to Hixson Metal Finishing in Newport Beach, California.
The anodizing industry faces increasing pressure. As production cycles shorten, anodizing suppliers are required to deliver faster.
Most anodizers have a caustic etch bath in their process line to use for stripping aluminum racks before re-use, activating the surface of parts before going on to be anodized and for many finishers it is used to impart a low gloss appearance to the surface.