Chris trimino

Podcast: Chris Trimino, Sav-On Plating

We talk with Chris Trimino, Vice President of Operations at Sav-On Plating in Phoenix, Arizona, about how, if a part is made in the U.S. and headed to Mexico to be assembled, then Sav-On Plating seeks to be a stop on the way.

“We want a piece of it,” Chris says. “We offer a plating service, final quality, final packaging, and direct delivery to their customer for assembly in Mexico.”

It has been that way since 1992, when Trimino’s father, Joseph, opened the Phoenix location with his sister, JoAnn, after their father began serving the Southern California area in 1969. Eventually, Joseph and Chris closed the Paramount location, and Joseph bought out his sister and kept the Arizona facility open and growing.

Sav-On has broken ground on a third automated line. The footers are in place, Trimino says, and it will be an automated hoist rack line with 12-foot tanks. Meanwhile, the electroless nickel line they are planning is going be a manual line that is a little bit smaller, with roughly 30 x 30 x 30 size tanks that are expected to be ready by the end of 2023.

The one thing that won’t change is the name of the company — Sav-On Plating — which Trimino says he isn’t sure what the origin of the name came from, but he likes it for its “catchiness” and is suitable for their mission.

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