• Colors: Blue Color

When Did Rework Become Part of Your Process?

In addition to addressing the ongoing labor shortage issues, automation is commonly used to reduce cost, increase repeatability, improve quality and increase throughput.

Dean Baldwin Painting Delivers First Aircraft From Georgia Painting Operation

The first redelivered aircraft was completed July 9 at the Dean Baldwin Painting LP facility located at Middle Georgia Regional Airport in Macon, Georgia.

At Lucid Motors, the Future of Its Factory Starts at the Paint Shop.

Lucid Motors has got big plans for the future of Lucid Advanced Manufacturing Plant (AMP-1) in Casa Grande, Arizona. And they all revolve around their innovative paint shop, designed to expand in phases.

20 Questions with Dayna Lamb, Paragon Space Development Corp.

Dayna Lamb is a Materials and Process Engineer at Paragon Space Development Corporation, a provider of environmental controls for extreme and hazardous environments.