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20 Questions with Chris Paris, Oxebridge Quality Resources

Chris Paris is the founder of Oxebridge Quality Resources International, an ISO 9001 and AS9100 consulting firm with offices in North America, South America, and Australia.

20 Questions with Rob Mason, Concurrent Technologies Corporation

Rob Mason, CEF, PMP, ACG is a Principal Materials Scientist and Program Manager at Concurrent Technologies Corporation and is based in Tampa, Florida.

How to Pass Customer Specs for Hi-Phos Electroless Nickel Deposits

If your monthly samples of high-phosphorus electroless nickel (HPEN) deposit pass more than 200 hours of exposure to neutral salt spray testing (NSST) per ASTM B117, but are failing customer specification requirement of providing greater than 10.5 percent phosphorus in the deposit, there is a remedy to correct this predicament.

ChromeTech of Wisconsin Continues Growth through Communication

For ChromeTech of Wisconsin, communication is the key to the success of its operation.

Tested and Ready, Electroless Nickel Plating of Louisiana Eyes Growth

Bill McNabb and David Book both clearly remember the day when a premium threading company was about to put their plating shop to the ultimate test.

20 Questions: Dr. Ling Hao, Lacks Enterprises

Ling Hao, Ph.D., is a Master Surface Finisher (MSF) and Principal Scientist in the Advanced Technology Group at Lacks Enterprises in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Astro Electroplating Staying Ahead of Industry Trends

Astro Electroplating in Bay Shore, New York on Long Island has always had a knack for being a step or two ahead of the trends when it comes to its finishing lines.

20 Questions: Gloria Da Ros, Tecnoplast USA

Gloria Da Ros is CEO of Tecnoplast USA in Anderson, Indiana, which manufactures manual plating, pickling, anodizing and galvanizing systems.

Highpoint Finishing Solutions at Top of Game in Polishing and Buffing

Ten years ago, Tracy Boetsma and James Davis took a chance on owning their own finishing operation and named it Highpoint Finishing Solutions in Zeeland, Michigan.

20 Questions: Kerry Behnke, Professional Plating

Kerry Behnke is Zinc Business Team Manager at Professional Plating in Brillion, Wisconsin. 

U.S. Chrome Expands Processes, Coatings to Meet Customer Needs

When it comes to wooing prospective customers, most finishing and coating operations don’t usually start by showcasing their fixturing capabilities, but not U.S. Chrome.